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Alpine Secret: Sergey Blue & Lionel Lilac

Sergey Blue is an avid skier and where better to enjoy your skiing pleasures than the French Alps, but back home a secret lies locked away in a private room, join us and find out how Lionel Lilac plays his role in the Alpine Secret. After a magnificent day on the slopes, Sergey returns home and pulls out his special key that unlocks the room with his secret hidden away. As we peek through the keyhole, we can see that Lionel is tied up with his leather harness on, black gloves and a black jockstrap. Lionel is eagerly awaiting the arrival of Sergey as displayed by his pulsing cock. Sergey enters the room and begins stripping away his ski gear and goes head-to-head with Lionel as both men’s hard cock heads press and rub up against one another, retracting their foreskins. Lionel is released from his bonds and things take a more romantic tune as they begin kissing tenderly. Sergey drops to his knees and begins to vigorously suck on Lionel’s every growing cock. Lionel takes Sergey’s head into his hands and begins driving him down deeper onto his cock that has been starving for attention. Sergey has sucked and drooled all over Lionel’s cock and balls then is pushed onto the bed on all 4’s. Lionel places his foot on Sergey’s back as he strokes his cock with his gloved hand. With Sergey in position, Lionel leans in and begins sumptuously feasting on his hairy ass. The adrenaline pumping throughout Sergey’s body has not subsided since he left the slopes and has now kicked back into overdrive with every touch, kiss, lick and slap that Lionel offers up to him. Lionel can see and feel the passion coursing through Sergey’s body and gives him exactly what he has dreaming of ever since he hit the slopes earlier today. Lionel slams his cock balls deep into Sergey and Sergey’s passions are set aflame with a deep desire for more. Lionel hooks one of the binding ropes as a bit into Sergey’s mouth and uses the loose ends as his reins. Sergey and Lionel are off for a rough and wild ride. Sergey gets flipped onto his back and this time Lionel takes his time. Slowly injecting his cock in and out of Sergey’s relaxed and open ass. Lionel wants to make sure that Sergey feels every centimeter as he buries his cock deep inside. Another flip and this time Sergey is lying on his side, which turns out to rub Lionel in all the right ways. Lionel fucks his cock with a fast-paced rhythm and finds that this is the perfect position as he showers Sergey’s furry ass with his hot load of cum. Lionel begins feeding Sergey his cum slicked cock and Sergey unleashes all of his adrenaline and cum at the same time. The smell, taste and feel of Lionel’s cum overwhelms Sergey as his bulbous cock head explodes a huge load of cum that splatters onto his heaving chest. Be cautious of what people keep locked away from prying eyes.


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