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And the winner is… – Andy Onassis & Santi Konnor

To celebrate the award for “Best Gay Studio – Public’s Choice” that we won at Premios Ninfa 2018, held this week in Barcelona, we want to gift you with one of the hardest and hottest scene that we have filmed so far this year, with two new mates for the first time on Fuckermate.com: Brazilian hunk Andy Onassis, with his massive thick dick and Colombian black stud Santi Konnor, just also got awarded as “Best Gay Newcomer”, with his stunning muscular body and his perfect big ass ready to take the hugest cocks around. Be sure not to miss any single moment of this memorable fuck and watch Santi’s asshole being pounded and destroyed raw by power top Andy and his body winning a shower of cum at the end! For sure a right prize for such a horny mate!


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