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Antonio Bach & Kai Cameron

Fit twink lad Kai couldn’t wait to come and help us welcome handsome new arrival Antonio once he’d seen some pics of the guy, and who could blame him? The guys are having a sensual start to this video, exploring and kissing, but when Antonio gets the chance to suck on Kai’s long and stiff dick he’s down there and doing the business. He has a natural talent for sucking dick, that’s for sure, but Kai is just as gifted and just as greedy. He worships that thick and meaty uncut cock before laying back with his legs up and basically demanding that dick inside him. Antonio obliges, filling his hole with his tool and giving him a slow and rhythmic fucking, taking the lad from behind too before the guys are jacking their dicks and drenching Kai’s smooth and tight body with masses of cum! Welcome to the party Antonio, we know a lot more guys are gonna want to try that cock of yours!


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