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Argos was such a great surprise. He was a model who was very quiet and didn’t say much about himself when he did his online application. I had only a few recent photos of him too. I was pleased that he was Bi, but mostly into guys. It seems like playing with dudes is a new thing for him. Argos is not Out to friends or family members. He does like to bottom, but my guess is he has been taking that slow. He also loves to be rimmed, so the focus is all about his ass. It’s not just about his butt, Argos also has an amazing cock. It grew to almost 7.5 inches during the shot. His main concern was cumming too soon. He had held-off over a week and he said that any focused attention would make him cum instantly. Argos is super sexy in this, and you can tell he is shaking with pleasure. He just has to grind gently on his cock head, and he is close to cumming. His cum shot is awesome, with his load spilling out on to his tummy hair!


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