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Ari Avanti & Leo Louis

If you came home and found your sexy boyfriend Ari Avanti on the sofa sleeping in his underwear, what would you do? His beau Leo Louis has the answer: he whips out his …sketchpad! Leo puts pencil to paper for an inspired drawing but once Ari wakes up, the pad is put away and they turn their attention to total affection. But, even then it isn’t long before Ari mouth moves from Leo’s luscious lips to his fulsome cock. Using his hands and mouth Ari gives Leo’s cock loving attention, and in turn Leo pushes limber Ari’s legs back to give his hole the same devoted oral attention. Once he’s thoroughly spit-lubed that hole, Leo slowly slides into Ari and fucks him intensely in positions even he couldn’t imagine on his sketchpad. They even find a way to make a pile-driver look like something new and Leo ups the intensity even more gripping Ari by the throat. Ari not only takes Leo’s cock deep, he mounts it and rides him with remarkable ease, even as Leo thrusts up into him deeply. But it’s Leo who takes command, bringing himself to orgasm and after shooting his load he uses his hole to edge Leo. Soon, Leo pulls out to cum between Ari’s cheeks and slide back into him to be milked by Ari’s hole. Welcome home Leo!


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