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Arno Antino & Chuck Conrad – I Seek to Make Amends
January 7, 2025
32 min
Until now, Elder Antino has been an exemplary missionary. He has done everything he’s been commanded to do, following the ways of God and trying to stay away from sin as much as possible. President Conrad is absolutely proud of Arno’s work, secretly choosing him as his favorite elder and setting high hopes for his future. Yet, one dirty little message endangers Elder Antino’s future and now President Conrad is conflicted about it. He summons the boy for an explanation, but Arno is completely busted, not even trying to conceal the fact that he sent those lascivious messages. He feels desperate and doesn’t want to lose his place in the brotherhood, so he asks President Conrad for a way to make amends. The lustful President tells him that the only way he can make peace with his sin is through the most luscious acts the young elder could possibly imagine. Now, Arno is torn between his mission’s teachings and his deepest and darkest desires, but he will do anything to remain one of President Conrad’s favorite missionaries.
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