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Arno Antino & Chuck Conrad – Sin Will Get You Far

Despite the hiccups, Elder Antino has managed to stay on track with the mission’s values. He indeed had some quite heated encounters with President Conrad after a series of inappropriate messages, but he remains the President’s favorite, especially after letting him play with his young and luscious body. Now, it’s time for Arno to be anointed and transformed into an official member of the mission. Much to his surprise, the figure in charge of the sacred ritual of anointment is none other than President Conrad himself. Elder Antino has heard some rumors about what goes on during these holy rituals, but seeing his favorite authority in charge of the ceremony confirms his horny suspicions and ignites his darkest fantasies even more. It’s time for him to take one more test with his beloved President and see if his sinful side can actually get him an advantage within this sacred organization.
