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Athletic Dancer Chris jerks off

Chris is a 25-year old bisexual dancer who keeps his body toned performing at gay bars. “I can give you a lap dance, if you want,” says the dark-haired cutie through a shy smile. He’s been out since he was 22, which is around the first time he had sex with another man. “I don’t have a lot of sex in my personal life, so this is a great opportunity for me.” He’s proudly versatile and believes in getting the best of both worlds, “I think I’m pretty good at giving blowjobs because I don’t have a gag reflex.” He loves edging, sometimes trying to put off cumming for as long as a week. “I like to see myself hard, and I like all the feelings that come along with it,” says the slim, athletic performer, adding, “I like to watch large dicks going into petite asses.”


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