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Austin Avery & Colby Tucker – Hot House Flippers

Episode 4 of ‘Hot House Flippers’ continues its home-makeover show with host Austin Avery welcoming his favorite interior designer, Colby Tucker. In the newly renovated vacation rental, the two team up to stage the space with furniture and colorful decor. With everything in place, the two get naked and nasty as the reality cameras catch it all. Austin whips out his whopper of a cock and feeds it to Colby, getting his big dick hard as a rock. The two suck each other on matching loveseats till Austin bends Colby over and rims him good. Slick with spit, the hairy hole beckons as Colby pleads for Austin to fuck him raw. Austin complies with a relentless, bareback pounding that redecorates Colby’s interior and makes the designer shoot his load which Austin scoops up and uses as lube for his final thrusts, which send him over the edge blasting his seed on Colby.


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