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Austin Wolf & Cory Kane – Quickie

At last CockyBoys faves Austin Wolf & Cory Kane get together in a special way: a filmed live cam show! They start off the show with a bang as Austin actually bench-presses Cory who then proceeds to mouth worship Austin’s freshly pumped pecs and sensitive nipples. It isn’t long before Cory is fully engaged in deep-sucking Austin’s tasty thick dick and ready for more. Austin makes sure to amplify Cory’s devoted sucking by feeding him his cock deep before he moves on to eat his ass. After rimming and tonguing his hole and sucking his cock, Austin slowly slides into Cory and gradually starts pounding him on all fours. Cory takes it all until Austin flips him on his back and slides off his jock strap. Austin again slides in slow and expands Cory’s hole with continuous deep thrusts, but soon he’s ready to have Cory ride him. Cory works his hole on Austin’s cock, bouncing up and down with increasing speed. Cory is in control now and keeps it as he makes Austin cum inside him and then shoots his load on Austin’s powerful chest. As Austin cum oozes out of his hole Cory lays one more hot passionate kiss on him, pleasing their audience one more time.


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