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Axel Blaise & Alon Kemey

We enjoyed handsome Polish guy Axel in his first duo and we knew you guys would want to see more of him and that hard uncut cock. When we called up and suggested he might want to have some fun with Alon he couldn’t wait, understandably neither could our sexy bottom boy Alon! The passion these guys have is frantic and real, they love sucking those dicks and by the time Alon is sliding down to ride that cock it’s clear neither is gonna quit until they’ve got their juicy reward. Watch Axel pound that arse all over the bed, finishing up with Alon on his back and taking an amazing shower of cum from his handsome top, making his own cock spill thick white seed over his tight abs too. Once again, this is one of those times where we’re sure they swapped numbers for some off-screen fun!
