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Bad Santa Justin

Bad Santa Justin crashed at my place while I has out been a good boy and doing some happy “hunting”, I always need a lot of milk for my Christmas “Chocolatada” lol While waiting for me at BeefCakeHunter Land, Bad Santa Justin helped himself seating on the couch, grabbing some beer and watching a good porn. The horniest he got, the more impatient he became! That cock was rock hard, and he couldn’t help getting a little upset that I was not around to take care of his BIG PRESENT. When I finally arrived, it was past midnight and the temperature at BCH Land was already warmer. Bad Santa Justin had some sexy harsh words for me lol, but I was ok with it, as long he gives me my present, and hell yeah, he was more than ready for that! He rushed me to get on my knees and service his big cock, then I rode him good! And then he fucked me in a couple of different positions! What a steamy night! At the end he rewarded me with more warm milk for my cookies… yummy!


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