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Bareback at 6th Street – Claudio Tico & Vitor Rua Seis

A couple of locals just moved to Rua Seis, on the east side of São Paulo. It was our actor Augusto who talked about the site to them and indicated our contact. Meet Vitor and Claudio (Tico), married two years ago. Vitor is 22 years old, is from the sign of Taurus and was born in Minas Gerais. Claudio is 24 years old, sign of Taurus also and was born in São Paulo. The two live together on Sixth Street, recorded the film without a condom, and we hope they will come back to new jobs. For those who do not know the history of Sixth Street, see the first video, Sixth Street Boys, 2013. After that we also recorded Others from Sixth Street and later we have had several other episodes, including the photographic essay of Israel, which is also same street. See again the most gifted of Sixth Street, Edson.


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