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Barron Bones Beckett

Who’s been needing to see more of Barron’s big dick pumping in and out of a tight hole?! Everyone?! Good, because that’s what we’re getting to see right here and right now as Barron has his way with Beckett! Beckett’s a handsome young stud who’s shown off his top skills a couple of times already. He’s excelled so much at topping and treated a couple of bottoms to such stellar fucks it would have been easy to have him stick to topping entirely. We all know it’s always worth having guys take things to the next level, though, and take a shot at being on the receiving end of a deep-dicking from Barron. So, how’d things go? Well, if we thought we had a future all-top stud in Beckett it’d seem Barron had other ideas! Barron fucks Beckett so hard, so deep, so well, and so thoroughly here that it’s going to be a good long while before Beckett can stop thinking about anything other than what he has to do to get another chance to bottom for Barron – he’s clearly hooked on Barron’s cock by the end of this episode, and I can’t blame him one bit for that!
