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Bastian Karim & Gianni Gio – Sleepless Nights

I felt myself tossing and turning in bed, an unusually uncomfortable bubble of warmth surrounded my person, forcing beads of sweat to form along my brow. When I finally did come to, I gazed over at my alarm clock that read ‘3:07am’ in its harsh red coloring. This has been happening more and more since my last visit with Father Gio, this is my third sleepless night. I thought that I had made peace with what we had done, but my mind seems to have other ideas. I couldn’t help but wonder if what we had done was truly against the teachings and if so why the priests were so willing to defile them. The gay guilt had already been eating away at me before this, to have ignored that warning and allowed myself to further explore until I engaged in a physical sin was something I struggled with…
