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Bath House of Mirrors – Arck Haven, Connor, Ed, Marck, Miko, Russell & Tiger Tantra

Body shame—what role has it played in our lives? How did we ever come to believe that our bodies are anything less than perfect manifestations of the divine? Believe it or not, many men—even ones whose bodies might be perceived by the majority to be “beautiful”—still struggle with loving what we see in the mirror. We have internalized some story, and more often than not, it’s not even a story we wrote, or ever signed up to buy. Tiger Tantra told us the story one night, of what it had felt like to live in his body for his lifetime. We looked at him through our tear-filled eyes, and told him, “Go look in the mirror. Can’t you see how beautiful you are?” Apparently, it’s not always easy to fully love ourselves. Tiger’s story represents millions of us who have struggled with what we see in the mirror, and the way we feel when we walk into a room. We created an active ritual—with mirrors and men—to consummate the journey of self-love which had eluded Jim and so many of us, for far too long. We welcome you along, because YOU are a vital part of this ritual of transformation. Bear witness. See yourself here. Take a step toward loving yourself just the way you are, now. You are worthy. Because we all are.
