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Bathhouse Revenge – David Ace & Joseph Banks

Jealous David is off the deep end when he finds evidence of Max’s threeway last night with Ray and his bf Joe. He heads to the bathhouse to confront Ray, but when he finds only Joe there, he decides that turnabout is fair play. He moves in to fuck with Joe and find out how to find Ray for his ultimate revenge. In a dark lounge at the baths, Joe notices David and beckons him in. David climbs onto a banquette and slurps down Joe’s XXL cock. Joe likes the beautiful Asian guy and responds to every stroke and swallow. He turns him toward the wall and buries his face in David’s tight hot ass, running his velvety tongue from nuts to quivering hole. David assumes the position, ass up and on all fours as Joe drills into his insatiable ass. He moans with deep arousal and encourages Joe to slam in harder. Never underestimate a hot, dirty hate fuck! They turn over to missionary stance and Joe uses long deep strokes to reach the furthest magic button inside his hot hookup. David screams “Fuck MEEE!” and almost loses sight of his mission. With Joe’s bone buried deep inside, both move like a well-oiled fuck machine. Flesh slaps against tight smooth flesh and they can’t hold back. David lies with his face across Joe’s lap as they shoot their sticky wads across each other. Joe mentions Ray is at home, probably fucking already, and David’s off to fulfill his mission of revenge and destruction…


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