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Bearded Hakeem receives eye rolling blowjob

Bearded Hakeem receives eye rolling blowjob in his debut at BeefCakeHunter Land after making me wait hours! That day, I was expecting this sexy, slim house painter around noon, but he showed up at the BCH arena early in the evening. I don’t remember now what the reason was, but I was glad he showed up; I have been craving a black cock for a while. Beefcake Hakeem is tall, heavily tattooed, soft-spoken, and easygoing. It was clear he was sorry for making me wait, and I wasted no time making sure he knew it was okay and everything would be forgiven as soon I was on my knees between his legs…lol. Before Bearded Hakeem received an eye-rolling blowjob, I slowly unbuttoned his shirt to play with his naked chest and belly; at that moment, he was already closing his eyes as a sign of expecting pleasure. Once naked, I started with his delicious balls. It did take me a bit to get him hard, but he was very receptive to the point that he grabbed my head early in the game. I didn’t expect him to be a moaner and verbal, and that is what he became after a few minutes passed. His balls also drove me crazy; I spent a lot of time licking them while I was stroking him, and hearing him moan with pleasure made my day! I also got very excited and did some serious deep throat to his big cock. I loved teasing him around by stopping and jerking him off in between to the point I was edging him because he made me pause three times to prevent an early ejaculation…hot! When he was getting closer to the orgasm, his legs began to shake, always a good sign here at BCH Land! A few seconds later, he cum a delicious creamy load! I hope you guys enjoy this Bearded Hakeem receives eye rolling blowjob video.


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