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Beefcake Kirk received a proper blowjob

Beefcake Kirk receives a proper blowjob in ages on his first visit to BeefCakeHunter Land, and he was very vocal about it before and after the encounter. This sexy blond long-haired subcontractor is engaged, and about to get married, so this BCH gig came in handy, on top of being the perfect opportunity to get serviced in the way that his cock deserved for the first time and with his fiancé’s blessing! Yeah, she was outside waiting, a scenario too familiar to me, like the ones done with Beefcake Legend Martin. We can tell that Beefcake Kirk was very nervous about the whole situation, but he was still polite but a little anxious. I felt that this was his first time in this territory, and that turned me on so much that what I executed on him mainly was like a ritual, lol. On my knees, I caressed his manly, hairy chest, and then I started with his balls. I knew this would take a while, but it would be worth it. By the time I got him hard, he seemed surprised, like he did not expect it to happen. He also tried so hard not to look at what I was doing to his cock, but in some instances, it was impossible not to. After he complimented me in the first pause that I made, I did almost every trick possible to bring him as much pleasure as I could. I went slow, I went deep, I went fast, just the head, etc., to the point that he succumbed when he tilted his head back. What a moment! While he was entirely in the zone and wanting to cum so badly, Kirk forced my head against his cock and slowly faced fucked me until he cum a lot; I swallowed some this time; I deserved it! Lol. After that, he was all compliments. I hope you guys enjoy this video Beefcake Kirk received a proper blowjob.


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