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Ben Brooks & Thor Buckner

Big and sexy Thor is back at the studio for the second time and he brought along his sexy friend that he grew up with! Both guys are married but they’ve had a secret that they’ve kept between them for many years and long before they married their wives! Ben Brooks and Thor have been friends for decades and they both identify as straight. But, about 35 years ago, Ben and Thor found a porn stash and decided to experiment. The pair got horny and ended up swapping blowjobs and jacking off. They never did anything else after that day and continued on with their usual friendship. Fast forward to the present and both guys are living on their own and both got hitched. The years may have gone by but the memory of that day always remained. So, after Thor’s first visit to the studio, his wife encouraged him to mess around with guys! It really turns her on! And, the more Thor hooked up with men, the more he liked it. Then, he started thinking about Ben and wondering why they never messed around again and why they didn’t fuck when they had the chance. Thor just couldn’t get Ben off of his mind. Thor contacted Caruso and explained the situation and then he called Ben. Thor was shocked to find out that Ben frequently thought about their special day as well and that he also wished that they had done more than just handjobs and blowjobs. Better yet, he said that he still wants to try fucking but he doesn’t want his wife to find out. It will have to be their little secret…


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