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Beno Eker & Master XXL – Whoremasters

Sometimes it’s really good to take yourself out of your comfort zone. To try and do something that you might otherwise try to avoid; and make yourself a better person in the process. That certainly seems to be Beno Eker’s attitude when he contemplates the prospect of tackling some big black cock at the start of this ass-splitting escapade with the enigmatic – and hugely hung! – Master XXL; but it’s perhaps not surprising that he’s got butterflies prior to meeting the muscular sex-god in person. Whatever reservations he has, however, are soon forgotten once the black stud enters the room and reveals that meaty, ebony schlong. In fact, Eker’s gobbling away in no time at all, slurping like a bitch and no doubt dreaming of getting the incredible ramrod embedded in his ass. Something he achieves with almost unbelievable ease, as he plonks himself down on Master’s cut shaft and rides it cowboy-style like a long-time pro; before lying himself on the sofa and allowing the African beaut to hammer away into his guts for all he’s worth. Little wonder that the white boy is soon spewing furiously all over himself as a result; before leaping up to lap at Master’s erupting monster for the finale!


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