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Big Dick Reunion – Alexander Garrett & Hunter Vance

It’s been 10 years since they first worked together and now they are back together for one big dick reunion. Hunter Vance was able to take that big cock before and he does it again today. Alexander Garrett remembers how tight Hunter’s ass was and once there interview is over they get right into it. Hunter begins to worship Alexander’s big fat dick as he tries his best to take every inch down his throat. Alexander loves the blow job from Hunter but he wants to fuck that tight ass. He sits on his back and lets Hunter ride him. Hunter eases down on his dick and once balls deep he takes it as best as he can. He moans with pain and pleasure as Alexander’s thick cock opens him up. Hunter can only take that big dick for so long and soon enough Alexander has him on his back as Alexander pulls his cock out and shoots his warm load all over Hunter. Hunter feels the warm cum and lets his load out as well.


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