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Black Friday – Damon Heart & Ridick

Black Friday is one of the busiest online shopping days of the year, and colleagues Damon Heart and Ridick are working late to finish the marketing campaign for a top client. When Ridick realizes it is already 7 PM, he expresses his frustration, but Damon reminds him that it could always be worse! And it could be better too. When Damon stands behind Ridick’s office chair and massages his shoulders, Ridick’s cock becomes visibly hard. It may be just another day in the office, but Damon and Ridick are ready to get down to real business with an office sex play session! Cock sucking, ass fingering and rimming, and raw fucking ensue at the office until both suited studs cum all over Ridick’s dress shirt. After pounding it out at the office, it’s time for these office boys to return to work.
