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Blake, Brysen, Clark Reid, Eddie Burke & Axel Rockham

What could be better than some of the hottest Sean Cody newbies paired with a few of our hottest veterans for a five-man orgy? Brysen, Blake, Clark, Axel, and Eddie chill by the pool in their matching Sean Cody swimsuits, horsing around in the water and flashing glimpses of their cocks for the camera. But the orgy action really begins in the gym, with Clark and Blake getting their pump on together until Blake fucks the curly-haired hunk. They’re joined by Axel, who helps Blake spit-roast the bottom, and then Brysen joins the party. Once Eddie arrives, he gets Clark to himself as Axel, Brysen and Blake form a train, and these guys’ powerful thrusts give the gym equipment a major workout! Clark bends over on a block and takes four big loads on his muscle ass, then lies back and jacks it till he cums.
