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Blind Date – Garrett Kinsley & Sam Ledger

Garret Kinsley hasn’t been having much luck in the dating department; so, his sister sets him up with a friend. As soon as his delicious date, Sam Ledger saunters up, Garrett knows, it’s gonna be great. The guys spend the day enjoying all the fun Vegas has to offer. After, Garrett walks Sam back to his place, where the boy asks him if he’d like to play video games. Garrett has other ideas. He kisses Sam full on the lips, igniting an incredibly erotic strip sesh, that leads Ledger to his knees. He unwraps Kinsley’s overstuffed drawers, and gets right to work, deep throating that thick dick with horny hunger. Garrett plants another kiss on the twink, then let’s him know, he’s about to get his schlong swallowed. Kinsley goes hard on the young dude’s hefty hammer, gagging, and bobbing that handsome head up and down. After eyeballing the boy’s beautiful backside in jeans all day, Garrett can finally get at it; and, he goes ham on the hottie’s hind end. He spreads those smooth cheeks, and tongue fucks his hot, hairless hole for all he’s worth. With Sam’s back seat slobbered with sex up spit, Kinsley eases his cock in, and quickly picks up the twink pounding pace. Ledger loves every hard hitting thrust, tossing his tail back at his tasty top, before hopping on the huge hog, and taking a rough, bouncy ride. Kinsley gives the guy’s swaying groin a gorgeous reach around, then orders up an ass fucking of his own. Sam is more than happy to put a hurtin’ on the hottie’s hind end; so, he crams that perfect, pulsing piece in, and cocks Kinsley good! Ledger’s beefy bone fucks the cum right out of Kinsley’s creative filled cock; and, he explodes ALL over his tight, tan torso like fireworks on the 4th! Sam hops up, and milks his monster right over Garrett’s cum covered frame. Then, he adds an epic amount of sex seed to the creamy climax. We’d say that’s definitely a home run of a first date!


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