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Blue Jeans – Max Hilton & Bela Barbell

Max Hilton is a mountain of muscles and truly puts his sturdy blue jeans to the test attempting to contain all that magnificence, when Bela Barbell enters and sees that Max’s jeans have lost the battle. Bela relieves himself of the confines of his taught blue jeans as Max leans in and begins sucking on his rock-solid cock. Max delivers a cock sucking worthy of the Gods and Bela is the guy that is blessed to be on the receiving end of such gifted talents. Max stands up and Bela opens wide and consumes Max’s cock balls deep. The veins are popping on Max’s cock as it grows to its fullest hardness and meatiness. Bela is then bent over and Max’s tongue goes to work on that hot pucker hole. With Bela’s ass nice and wet Max teases it with his cock head and foreskin before slipping it deep inside of Bela. Max gives Bela a slow, sensual fuck that keeps building to an incredible level of pleasure. Just as things are reaching a boiling point, Bela flips Max onto his back and rams his throbbing cock into Max’s muscular ass. Max demands that Bela give him more and Bela delivers a hard ass fucking that brings both men that much closer to ecstasy. Max and Bela get very verbal with each other making their demands and desires well known. With Bela fucking his ass deep and hard, Max takes his cock into his hand and strokes out his creamy load of cum. This only intensifies Bela’s desires as he picks up his rhythm and pounds Max that much harder. As the last drops of cum flow from Max’s cock, Bela explodes his huge load of cum all over Max’s ass. Tight and taught blue jeans never contain a hard cock wanting to be free.


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