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Boneco II – Episodio 1: Yuri Gaucho, Rafael Mendes & Vincezzo Soares

The second season of our series The Boneco features a five-episode sequel with the super laid-back actor Rafael Mendes playing the terror in the lives of all the other characters.This is a research series that had its first season aired in 2018. In the first episode of this season, entitled Expectation and Reality, Rafael goes to the lawyer (Yuri Gaúcho) who was nominated by his friend Vincezzo. Yuri seduces him and Rafael discovers that he is not even a lawyer. In the second part, after having sex with Vincezzo, Rafael discovers that Wolf is setting everything up for him and begins to work out a revenge plan. This is the premiere movie of Vincezzo Soares, a miner from Belo Horizonte, 27 years old, Sagittarius sign, 1.83m tall and 76kg.


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