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Break Up Bro Time – Princeton Price & Elliot Finn

Elliot Finn might have predicted he’d be the one who’d have to talk Princeton Price off his ledge if and when his girlfriend ever dumped him, but he never thought he’d be the one Princeton would turn to next to satisfy his sexual needs, but it turns out, the main reason his girl dumped him was because Princeton has a past tendency to like cock a little more than the alternative. This, of course, is music to Elliott’s ears, and he wastes no time pouncing on Princeton’s cock when given the invite. In not time, he makes his roomie forget all about his ex, as he deep throats Princeton’s hard dick before rimming him until he’s he couldn’t resist even if he wanted to. He bends Elliott over and fucks him silly all over the bed, letting him take a ride before flipping him back over and fucking the cum out of him, then pulling out and jizzing all over his hole as he forgets all about ol’ what’s her name.
