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Brent Fucking Dylan

Fucking Dylan is even better – now remastered and available in 1080p full HD for the first time ever! Dylan And Brent looking hotter than ever in hi definition; with 2 extra minutes of previously unreleased action footage; and 2 minutes of never-before-seen behind-the-scenes footage; enhanced audio; color correction, and a more subtle watermark; added new high quality stills and screengrabs! I really can’t say enough about what Brent and Dylan do with one another here. I wouldn’t do either of them justice by attempting to fully describe the sex they have and how into it they get. What I will say, however, is that I was standing there filming it and genuinely thinking to myself this could very well be one of the hottest videos I’ve ever been privileged to film out of the many hundreds. I know that’s saying quite a bit, and even puts a lot of pressure on myself and this video to follow through on that statement. But I really do feel that Brent unlocked something in Dylan that he never knew – and even I never suspected – he’d enjoy it so much. Brent simply outdoes himself here, proving himself to be a master at seduction and, more specifically, being an expert at taking another guy’s cherry. He’s both sensual yet dominant; both gentle yet aggressive. As much as we often focus on whether or not a straight guy like Dylan experiences pleasure – and to what degree – while bottoming for the very first time, it’s very clear Brent so thoroughly enjoyed his role in this session and could not have been having more fun. As amazing as he’s been in so many prior videos, I’ve never seen him enjoying himself as much as he was here! As for Dylan, that I was practically floored while standing there filming it. Either he was just totally overcome with how great things were feeling and got lost in the moment, or he made a conscious decision to surrender control to Brent and let whatever was going to happen, happen. Whichever it was, he so clearly enjoyed this experience and enjoyed being at the mercy of Brent that it all makes for some incredible sex. His reactions throughout the sex are priceless, and his more subtle acts (such as how he lets Brent decide where his hands should go or be or reacts to having a dick in front of his face for the very first time) say so much about how these two guys clicked and how good both were feeling. I’ve already said more than I wanted to, and so I will leave it up to Brent, Dylan, and the incredible sex they have, to provide the rest!
