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Brian Bonds & Lawson James

We find Brian Bonds and Lawson James kissing as they explore each other’s muscular bodies. Lawson lifts his arm and Brian helps himself to Lawson’s pit, licking and sniffing in Lawson’s musk. Brian returns the favor. Brian kneels down, pulls off Lawson’s tight denim shorts, and gets to work sucking and throating Lawson’s hard cock. Lawson turns around so Brian can help himself to a buffet of Lawson’s hairy hole. Brian licks and motorboats Lawson’s cheeks as Lawson plays with his cock. Lawson pushes Brian down on the bed as Brian thumbs his fat dick in Lawson’s direction. Lawson quickly envelopes Brian’s cock with his mouth, peering up at Brian as Brian encourages him. Lawson reaches up and probes Brian’s mouth with his fingers. Brian throws his legs up over his head as Lawson goes to chow-town on his ass, licking and spitting on Brian’s pink hole. Confident that Brian’s ass is sufficiently lubed up, Lawson begins to probe Brian’s hole with his fingers. Lawson rises to his knees, then plunges his cock deep into Brian’s hungry hole. Brian strokes his own cock as Lawson works his in deeper and deeper. Brian flips over into a doggy-style position and Lawson picks up where he left off. Lawson reaches forward and grabs Brian’s shoulder, pulling Brian back deeper onto Lawson’s dick as Lawson plows relentlessly into Brian’s hole. Lawson declares that he’s ready to cum, then pulls out and shoots his load all over Brian’s ass. Brian turns around and tastes himself on Lawson’s cock, then rises as the two share a sloppy kiss.


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