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Brock Banks & Tayte Hanson

A little flirting goes a long way as you’ll see when an excited Brock Banks & Tayte Hanson finally get together several months after first meeting. In bed their lips meet passionately but soon Tayte’s mouth travels down to Brock’s cock which grows thick in his mouth and throat. As it hardens Tayte’s happy hunger increases, especially as Brock pumps his mouth. Brock is hungry too and indulges in priming Tayte’s bubble butt with his lips & tongue and a little finger probing before sliding in his fat cock. In little time Brock is thrusting deep and finding that sweet pleasure spot inside Tayte and he can’t get enough of it. At one point he flips his legs back so Brock can drill him in a multi-position pile driver. In time Tayte decides he wants to ride Brock and before long he’s working his hole on his cock, kissing him and taking his deep thrusts. Tayte mixes it up by sliding up to face fuck Brock before sliding back down on his cock and riding him relentlessly. Brock can’t hold back and pulls out to erupt between Tayte’s cheeks. He slides back in and Tayte just keeps riding Brock until he shoots all over his chest. One more time our breathless duo kisses and there’s no question this was worth waiting for.


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