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Brody Fox & Colt Spence – Victims and Predators: Part 3 of The Adventure of Brody Fox

Brody Fox continues his journey across the heartland of America. After a long day walking, hitchhiking, and walking again, Brody pitches a tent on the edge of the woods. Before sunset he meets a mysterious hunter. Brody confesses to the man that he likes to get tied up and pleads for the hunter to bind and gag him with rope to a tree. Soon enough another hunter appears, Colt Spence. Colt robs Brody and discovers plenty of rope, floggers, and other toys in Brody’s backpack. He cuts away Brody’s clothing, leaving Brody’s penis dangling in the fresh air. Colt’s firm hand strokes Brody’s cock hard. Colt uses Brody’s own flogger on his hard dick. An excited Colt mercilessly flogs Brody’s bare nipples, abs, and cock. The flogging is brutal and only the woodland birds can hear Brody’s muffled screams. Colt roughly tosses poor Brody into his tent where Brody must suck Colt’s big stiff cock and then Colt gets to work on Brody’s ass. Brody’s slutty ass takes Colt’s fat cock beautifully. Colt loves the idea that he can do anything to his rope-bound captive. Brody licks Colt’s sweaty feet and sucks on his toes. Colt uses Brody’s rope to suspend him between two trees. Legs spread wide, Brody’s butthole is exposed to the elements and Colt easily slides his big cock into Brody’s hapless hole. Before you know it Brody is sucking on Colt’s balls like they’re candy and eagerly receives Colt’s hot load of cum, which is good because it’s been a few days since Brody has had a hot meal.
