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Brody Kayman & Kyle Michaels – A Meaty Present for My Stepdaddy

Kyle is super excited about spending Christmas with his step-parents. They are flying in tomorrow and he has prepared a very special celebration for them. Yet, before getting all formal, the hot stud wants to prank someone close to him by wrapping up his juicy dick in a box for a very creamy surprise. As he gets his clothes off and puts his cock in the gift box, someone knocks on his door. Thinking that his victim awaits him on the other side of it, Kyle opens the door to find his stepdad, Brody. The sweet guy took an earlier flight to surprise him and Kyle didn’t suspect a thing. Kyle is so shaken by his stepdad’s presence that he forgets about holding his dick in a box, so Brody mistakenly believes that Kyle is giving him a present. Kyle tries to explain the situation by showing him what’s inside the box. Amazed by his stepson’s massive gift, Brody decides to give Kyle an early Christmas present in return.
