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Bruce Huxley & Enzo Muller – Sugar Shack

With it being his first visit to a ‘Sugar Shack’, Enzo Muller has been thoroughly impressed with the local’s Canadian hospitality and even more impressed with the pulsating hard-on that’s hiding beneath Bruce Huxley’s zipper. Too horny to even think about eating food, Enzo ditches his feast to instead gobble down Bruce’s cock right there at the dinner table — just before busting out his hole for Bruce to bareback. Enzo, warmed by the nearby fire, then takes a ride on the tattooed top while stroking off his own stiff rod until he’s covering his torso with cum. With Bruce still horny for more, he continues stuffing and fucking Enzo’s ass across the dining table. A few more pumps into Enzo’s hole has Bruce pulling out his big dick to unload ropes all over his partner’s half-hard cock and even feed Enzo a few drops of nut.


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