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Busted by the Boyfriend – Antony Carter, Justin Stone & Oliver Morgenson

It’s never wise to give in to temptation and cheat on your lover, unless of course your lover just happens to be a horny young guy who wouldn’t mind just joining in with his own stiff dick when he catches you at it. Justin is being a very bad boy, sneaking in his sexy bit-on-the-side Antony while his boyfriend Oliver isn’t home. The two have the audacity to use the bed they sleep in every night to get their hard young cocks out and start sucking each other off. Just when Justin is about to slide his naked twink ass down on his friend’s rigid cock Oliver appears in the doorway. You might expect that such a shocking scene would lead to things being thrown, angry insults and broken furniture, but sexy Oliver can’t ignore the sudden erection in his pants. He joins the two on the bed to participate in their BoyFun, his own gorgeous young dick welcomed quickly as the three suck and stroke. He watches his blond lover sliding his tight little hole down on the new dick, clearly getting a thrill out of seeing his lover riding a cock other than his own. Soon it’s his turn, replacing Antony’s bareback cock with his own and giving his greedy boyfriend the kind of passionate fucking that might have been missing in their relationship up until now. Swapping back and forth Justin takes them both on, loving the experience of having two big uncut cocks to suck and ride, pleasing both his lover and his friend as their cum loads grow bigger and bigger, ready for release. With both his handsome tops unloading masses of milky cream right into his cute face he wanks his own stiff inches relentlessly, finishing off with a splashing mess of gooey cum over his tight stomach. Perhaps next time Justin will just suggest a threesome instead of cheating on his gorgeous boyfriend?
