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Caden Dior & Xavier Oceane – Blind Leading the Blind
November 12, 2024
32 min
Looking after a fellow elder’s faith is a sacred duty, but Brother Dion also sees it as an opportunity to seize power over his innocent brothers. Tasked to guide Elder Oceane, Caden summons him to have a word with him. He secretly yearns to see what’s beneath his garments, hoping to get closer to him to perform the most unholy deeds. Elder Oceane fully trusts Caden, so he tries to hide his hesitations when he’s asked to take off his clothes. Elder Dior savors the moment as he realizes the power he has over his fellow elder. What is he willing to do for him in the name of God? Will he let his sinful thoughts take over him if Caden asks him to do it? Is Xavier really following him blindly or is he also secretly craving to feel another man’s touch? No matter the motives, Xavier’s faith in Caden’s teaching knows no limits, so everything is allowed as far he’s concerned…
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