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Calhoun Sawyer & Michael Boston – Bare: Sleaze In The Keys

Bubble-butt bottom Michael Boston is sleeping naked in bed when Calhoun Sawyer comes in and wakes the stud up with a deep rimjob to his smooth hole. After getting eaten out, Michael spins around on the bed and services Calhoun’s massive member. Now that his throat has been fucked, it’s time to bend over and take every inch of Calhoun’s meat. Inch by inch, Calhoun slams Michael’s hole while he holds a split. The bareback jack-hammering continues in multiple positions from Calhoun’s monster until Michael lays back, giving Calhoun total access. With a dick deep in his amazing ass, Michael beats his meat until his thick ropes coat his abs. With Michael covered in cum, Calhoun takes his cock out of Michael’s spent hole and unloads all over his eager bottom.


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