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Calvin & Alex

It’s been a little over a year since we last saw Calvin but he’s back and this time he’s going to be our bait. Since his last visit, Calvin discovered that he likes men just as much as women! He actually dreams of having both at the same time! Alex is our new straight guy for this week. He’s young, hung, and full of cum! At 23, he won’t admit that he’s addicted to porn but he did admit that he watches a healthy amount! Alex hasn’t had a threesome yet but he’s been fantasizing about having one for a long time! And, as an avid porn watcher, he knows what’s involved and he doesn’t mind his cock rubbing up against another guy’s cock just as long they’re pleasing the girl. Caruso has both guys get hard and Alex models his big 8 inch dick! And, now that both guys are hard, Caruso tells them that he’s going to step out of the room to go check on the female talent. Unfortunately, the girl can’t make it… But, Caruso offers double the money if both guys will have sex with each other. After asking Alex if he’s ever thought about being with a guy, he did admit that he’s thought about it once or twice but he never acted on it. Alex finally decided to give it a try and Caruso promised to leave the straight porn playing for him but once Calvin leaned over and grabbed his cock, Alex quickly forgot about the porn!


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