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Cannon is a charmer – an extremely personable guy, well-spoken and super polite! I know it sounds weird to talk about how polite a guy is shortly before watching him strip down and stroke off, but I couldn’t not mention it given just how much his friendly personality stood out when we got to meet him! Cannon describes himself as a very horny person, and we’d all agree! He was really looking forward to jerking off for us, because he knew the experience would be as hot and as fun for him as it would be for all of us. He’s an exhibitionist, and most anything sexual turns him on. The knowledge that people would be watching him and getting off to him was enough to get him off! This handsome young man isn’t only about the sex, though – in his introductory solo we find out he’s a talented musician before finding out just how good he looks naked and rubbing one out!


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