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Can’t get enough of cock – Viktor Rom, Gianni Maggio & Valentin Amour

French power bottom Valentin Amour can’t get enough of taking cock but this time he has to rely on his best skills to cope not with one but with two of the biggest cocks around. Viktor Rom wants to surprise him and takes Valentin to the bedroom, where the monster cock of Italian stallion Gianni Maggio is waiting to receive a full service. The smile on Valentin’s face says it all when the two huge dicks surround him to take turn on being sucked, with a perfect teamwork. Then, Valentin saddles up and takes the big raw bones deep into his ass, jumping from one to the other like a crazy horseman. When the butt hole is stretched enough, Viktor and Gianni join their massive cocks and Valentin rides both for a hard double penetration that leaves him exhausted but not yet satisfied: what he needs is also a double dosis of man cum that our two stallions shoot all over his face and mouth!


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