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Casper Ivarsson & Alex Faux

Hot little Alex loves all kinds of guys, but bisexual top boy Casper is definitely his type. The guys have great chemistry, kissing and groping, sucking those uncut cocks and tasting the precum leaking from each other. If you’ve seen Alex sucking dick before you know how greedy this gorgeous boy can be so expect some real deep head. Casper is loving it, he’s soon ready to fill that hot little arse with his long and pink rod. Alex slides his pert butt down on his new buddy, his cheeks framed by the straps of his underwear while he rides. It’s an impressive start to the hard action, but soon enough Casper is really taking over to pound that tight little arse, and Alex is loving it. The shower of semen the boy takes is impressive, they’ll have you wishing you were there to add your own to the mess!


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