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Casper Ivarsson & Reece Gray

Sexy smooth boy Casper couldn’t wait to get back in front of the cameras when he found out he had the chance to break in new hung boy Reece. This sexy arrival loves to get a good fucking from a talented and energetic top, and that’s certainly what Casper is. The two start out with some awesome dick sucking, with Casper showing he can handle the near 8 inch length of his new friend before his own pink length is being serviced, but soon enough new boy Reece is demanding that dick in his hole. Casper is happy to oblige, pumping that dick in and out in rapid fashion, in every position, until he’s got his new buddy on his back and taking them both to a big cum shower. Casper decorates his friend with a hot gushing load once he’s pulled out and Reece is soon showing off one of his skills, a fountain of powerful cum splashes drenching him, shooting right over his head! You know Casper delivered the goods to get this new boy firing off like that.


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