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Casting Couch #432: Jony Blond & Leonardo Lucatto

Jony Blond is the beginner in his Kristen Bjorn debut with the handsome Leonardo Lucatto. Jony and Leonardo start with some heavy bumping and grinding in their taught underwear. Leonardo is an expert cock sucker and is eager to get his lips wrapped around Jony’s fat, blond cock. With those expert lips working their way up and down that perfectly curved cock gets both men worked up and hungry for more. Jony flips Leonardo around and begins feasting on his gorgeous, pink hole. Ass eating is Jony’s favorite fetish and proves to us all that he is no beginner when it comes to eating a hot, pink ass. With that hot ass drenched in saliva and primed for fucking, John stands up and slams his raw cock deep into Leonardo’s hungry ass. These guys are really hungry for raw sex when Leonardo flips onto his back and Jony rams his cock in and out of his ass, making sure he feels the full length of his cock penetrating his ravenous ass. Jony flips Leonardo again, this time on his side and slips his cock in from behind. This position massages both men perfectly as both of their ball sacs draw up and prepare for some huge explosions. Jony has reached the pinnacle of pleasure, pulling his cock out and unleashing his thick, creamy load of cum on Leonardo’s probing tongue and lips. Leonardo leans in and begins to drain his cock as his own cock erupts a huge, heavy load of cum.


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