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Cesar Rossi & Izzy

Cesar Rossi is back as our bait guy and he’s looking for a hot and hairy ass to fuck! Cesar is always easy on the eyes and his cock is glorious! It’s big, it’s fat, and it’s uncut! Cesar normally takes it up the ass but lately, he’s been yearning to fuck a straight dude! Caruso knew what he had to do in order to make this happen. And, that was to find a straight guy who enjoys ass play or pegging… That’s where Izzy comes in. Izzy is a sexy guy and he already has a girlfriend but she just can’t seem to satisfy him. That’s where Caruso comes in. Izzy came to the studio looking to fuck a girl and make some extra cash in the process. So, Caruso set up the video shoot and told Izzy that he would be doing a threesome with another guy and a girl. Izzy didn’t seem to have an issue with the details and agreed to the arraignment. In order to proceed with the video shoot, both guys have to get naked, get hard, and prove that they can stay hard around each other. Neither guy had any problems. And, maybe it’s because he hasn’t busted a nut in a while but Izzy’s balls are huge! Caruso steps out to go check on the girl and returns with bad news. She’s a no go today but if both guys are willing have sex with each other then Caruso will pay them double the money. And, after checking out Cesar’s cock for a bit, Izzy decided to go gay for pay and see what an actual real cock feels like!


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