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Chad Fucks Zander

Zander’s got skills, and he’s certainly demonstrated that since first arriving at CF not too long ago. Whether getting fucked or fucking, he looks incredible and he’s a natural in the bedroom and in front of the cameras – so much so, in fact, he’s already breaking in new freshmen like Chad! And getting broken in is what precisely happens to Chad here – with Zander in command, the two guys go from some hot frottage to Chad on his knees between Zander’s legs and eagerly sucking his cock. Zander makes sure to encourage Chad and let him know what a good job he’s doing, while also gripping his head and thrusting his hips to really feed Chad his cock. Zander’s in command enough to know what he really wants his Chad’s dick in him, and starts working on that cock and getting Chad even more horned up and eager to fuck. Zander’s sucking does the trick – his cock wet with Zander’s spit, rock-hard and pulsing, Chad can’t wait to bury his dick in Zander balls-deep. Zander gets what he wants soon enough, with Chad pounding his hole. And Chad gets precisely what he wants – to rail a tight hole hard and long until both guys have blasted out big loads!


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