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Changing My Car’s Oil – Black Crioulo & Theo Guedes

Theo Guedes is finishing exercising and when he finishes his training he goes to his car to go straight home, but the vehicle has faults and doesn’t want to start. After much insistence, the car ends up starting and Theo decides to take it to a mechanic. Arriving at the workshop that is about to close, Theo asks mechanic Black Crioulo for help, who questions him about changing the car’s oil and receives a negative answer. Identifying the problem, Black continues to resolve the situation as soon as possible. Noticing an animation beneath the mechanic’s uniform, Theo decides to ask if everything is ok and if Black has all the tools he needs to solve the problem and the mechanic responds yes, taking his delicious and huge cock. Theo can’t resist and falls for the hot mechanic’s cock. After a few good blowjobs, Theo receives Black’s dick in his ass and he moans with lust, giving him his hot ass in various positions.


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