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Charlie Cherry Pounds Andrea Suarez – Manly Desires

Charlie Cherry, a successful and polished businessman, hired Andrea Suarez to clean his home and handle its maintenance while he’s away on business trips. Andrea is diligent and professional, but he secretly harbors a crush on Charlie. Despite working closely, Charlie remains unaware of Andrea’s feelings. At the same time, it should not be all that surprising. Charlie Cherry is hot as FUCK, and he has turn down men wanting to hop in his bed left and right. One morning Charlie Cherry is dressed in his incredible navy blue suit while Andrea is cleaning his bathroom. It is in that moment that the attraction between them takes hold and before either one of them know it, Andrea is on his knees before Charlie sucking on his huge (truly, it’s enormous) uncut cock. Charlie might be late, but he’s going to chance it. Before long, Charlie Cherry pulls Andrea Suarez into the bedroom, undresses, and stretches out the bottom’s ass with his huge and powerful top cock!
