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Chris Andy & Greyson Myles

Chris Andy gets a deep tissue massage from Greyson Myles–and if he could see the smile on Greyson’s face, Chris would know he’s going to get a happy ending. When Chris turns over, Greyson’s touch reveals his intentions and in short order he has Chris’ cock in his mouth. Greyson’s sensual sucking and kisses leads to mutual touching and stroking—and Chris sucking his attentive masseur. Greyson really likes the attention but also wants to be fucked and since they’re already in position, he rides Chris’ cock. It takes no time for Chris to unleash his top energy and thrust his cock into Greyson and pound him, then turn him over and eat out his bubble butt and finger his hole with the stated goal of taking his ass. Chris means what he says and plows Greyson who loves how hard and deep it is –and says so. At one point, Chris flips things to massage Greyson and suck him, then fucks him again, ultimately giving Greyson what he begs for: shooting his big load all over him. And while he’s still hard Chris fucks a load out of Greyson. Nothing like a happy ending for two!


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