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Chris Breaking In Wyatt

Chris’ new favorite past time might just be getting to welcome new arrivals to CF as only he can – breaking them in to blazing hot CF action by letting them go to town on his hole. It’s a win-win for everyone involved, really! Chris gets to have a stiff dick pumping his hole, the new guy gets to drill handsome, studly young Chris’ hot ass, and we all get treated to some intense, incredible action. Wyatt’s the new arrival Chris is treating to some hot action here, and by the end of it I have little doubt Wyatt’s thrilled to be here. He fucks Chris good and proper, delivering a relentless fuck that has Chris moaning, groaning, and at times even smiling ear to ear because of how good it feels. I think Wyatt wanted to make sure he impressed us all here – he’s landed at CF, won us all over with that hot body and outgoing personality, and set out to give some guy/guy action here a go and show off what he’s capable of. By taking charge of Chris’ hole in this intense, passionate, and even playful episode, Wyatt’s showing us all he knows what he’s doing and has a whole lot to offer – and we can’t wait to see all of it!


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