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Chris & Hudson Get Pumped by Rocky

When it comes to Rocky in the gym, one is never enough. One rep isn’t enough. One set isn’t enough. One workout isn’t enough. And one bottom isn’t enough. That’s right – when you’re built like Rocky, ripped like Rocky, hung like Rocky, and have as much cum to blast out in an endless stream of powerful jets like Rocky, it’s going to take more than just one lucky bottom to keep you satisfied. Thankfully for Rocky, he has two lucky bottoms as Hudson and Chris find themselves sharing the gym with Rocky, helping Rocky spot, then competing with one another to see who can pleasure Rocky the most! Rocky’s loving every single bit of having Chris and Hudson at his mercy – whenever one jaw gets tired of bobbing up and down on his cock, there’s another to take its place; whenever one partner drops to his knees to swallow Rocky’s dick, the other is there to feed his hard cock to Rocky; whenever one moaning bottom needs a break from Rocky’s powerful piston fucks, the other is there to give up his hole to Rocky. I’m not sure our gym has ever seen two young studs get a work out the way Rocky works out Chris and Hudson here, and I’m not sure our gym as ever seen two eager bottoms so eagerly and thoroughly work out a top! Whatever you do, don’t miss this incredible episode!
